Home relationship 10 Signs Your Ex Secretly Wants You Back

10 Signs Your Ex Secretly Wants You Back


In the heat of your breakup, you couldn’t help but notice signs that your ex may secretly want you back. This article will cover some of the most common signs that your ex is thinking about you as more than friends and might even consider taking things to the next level.

Remember, not all people will exhibit these signs. While it’s impossible to predict the future, reading your ex’s behavior is still important. If you notice a significant change in behavior toward you or they have left any or all of these signs behind, there may be a reason to believe they are still interested in having a relationship with you–and they just might be trying to tell you as much.

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Here are some of the more common signs your ex is Signs your ex secretly wants you back

1. They take the initiative to reach out to you.

The first and most common, sign that your ex might be thinking about taking your relationship to the next level is they reach out to you and want to see you. This doesn’t mean that they have called your phone or texted you several times trying to get a response from you. It means that they may have initiated contact with you by sending a random text message or reaching out via social media. If this is the case, try not to over-analyze their message. Just respond and be the real you. Anything they say will be a good sign that they are thinking of you as more than a friend.

2. They start to become more clingy.

Another sign that your ex may actually want to take things to the next level is when they begin to become clingy–meaning, they do or say things that show you that they would like to get closer with you again without actually asking for it at all. If this is the case, try to not over-think it. Just respond without giving any obvious sign that you want them closer. If your ex finally asks for more, it will show that they really want to be with you and how much they really care about you.

3. They start showing interest in you again.

Another sign that your ex may be interested in starting a relationship with you is when they start to show interest in you again. Some examples of this are them asking how you are doing, telling you that they miss you, or even asking what’s new with your life. If any of these sound familiar, try not to respond too passionately or quickly. Just let it go and respond as if their words don’t resonate inside of you at all. This can show that your ex might be ready for more than just the friendship that we have shared–and it could also mean they want to start over with trying to build something new and fresh together.

4. They start sending little texts/messages.

The next sign that your ex might be thinking about you is when they begin sending little messages to try and push things forward a little bit. These messages could be as simple as “I miss you” or even “Let’s just talk.” These small, seemingly innocent statements show that they are caring enough to want to stay in touch with you–and even push things forward. If this is the case, don’t over-analyze them. Just respond in a way that shows that you are happy that they reached out to you.

5. They start reaching out to people they used to know.

The next sign that your ex might be thinking about committing to a relationship with you again is when they start reaching out to others to try and find more information about what you have been doing since the breakup. If this is the case, try not to over-analyze it. Just respond as if your life hasn’t changed all that much since you broke up. This will probably make your ex question why it has seemed like you haven’t really moved on.

6. When they start saying that they haven’t moved on yet.

The next sign that your ex might want to be with you again is when they tell you that they haven’t found the right person yet or haven’t moved on just yet. If this is the case, try not to get too excited or too sad–just let them tell you how they feel and respond as if you are just a friend who wants to understand why they feel the way they do.

7. When Your ex likes all of your jokes online or in person.

The last sign that your ex might want to be with you again is when they call you out on all of the little jokes that you make online or in person, even if they aren’t even funny. If this happens, try not to get too excited about it or get too upset about it. Just let them tell you and respond as normal. This will show them that you still have a great friendship with them and that you want to build something new with them.

8. When they start sharing their personal problems with you.

The last sign that your ex might be thinking about taking things to the next level is when they begin to share their personal problems with you. These could be as simple as telling you that they are having a hard time finding a new job or even telling you about how their ex re-emerged in their life after being gone for a long time. If this happens, try not to get too excited.

9. They start to bring up past memories.

The next sign that your ex may want to be with you again is when they start to bring up good memories from the past. This may not mean that they are ready for a relationship again–it might just mean that they want to reminisce and go back in time with you for a while. If this is the case, try not to get too excited just yet. Just be the real you and try to let them connect with you on a new level.

10. Your ex tells you their new partner isn’t good for them.

The next sign that your ex might want to be with you again is when they decide to tell you that their new partner isn’t good for them. This could mean that they are actually ready for a relationship again and will tell you this in a way that will make sense to you. If this is the case, try not to be overly excited or over-analyze it. Just listen to them and show them that you care–and that you really want to move things forward.

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There are many signs that your ex might want to be with you again. If they have any of these signs, try not to get over-excited or over-analyze them. Just respond in a neutral way and let them know how you feel. This can show that your ex might be ready to take things forward a little more with you. Just relax and watch everything unfold; this could be the start of something new.