Imagine the following scenario. You are dating a boy; he likes you, he likes you. From the beginning, he told you that he was not ready for a serious relationship, but over time he has become so kind and attentive that you begin to doubt if he just wants to have fun with you or if his intentions have changed. have you seen any Clearest Signs He Wants a Serious Relationship with You? lets find out together.
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Ask the typical question of “what are we?” It is not always very wise, considering that he made things ‘clear’ for you from the beginning. What are you supposed to do? The solution, probably, is to pay attention to your actions. Although each man has a different way of showing interest, according to experts in human behavior, the following are 5 Clearest Signs He Wants a Serious Relationship with You.
Good communication
When someone doesn’t intend to get into a formal relationship, they usually don’t bother to have long conversations with the other person. If he starts the talks, not always set up a meeting with you, he informs you when he will not be able to answer you quickly so that you are up to date, he looks for topics of conversation, he always says goodbye when he goes to sleep and does not leave you ‘talking alone’, he is giving indications that he cares about you beyond something casual.
Doesn’t make excuses
An interested man will always take time to be with who he likes. He may have a lot to do in the week, but if you move the floor for him, he will make a hole in his schedule to go out or be with you. Be careful, the type of dating also says a lot about his intentions. For example, if he always proposes going to ‘more private’ places, he may only see you as a hobby, while if he always proposes different plans, taking into account your tastes, he may seek to have special moments together.
Degree of intimacy
What is the level of intimacy they have? Is it only sexual or is he interested in getting to know you better? This is a key point because those who want something formal always tend to ask about personal aspects of your life and listen carefully to later, in one way or another, let you know that they paid attention to everything you told them.
It not only highlights your physique
If he doesn’t want anything serious, his compliments can be pretty superficial like how cute you look or a part of your body that he likes. However, when that attraction has moved on to an emotional plane beyond the physical, the compliments are directed at your personality and deeper aspects, such as your look or smile.
He trusts you
Most men don’t tend to open up about their personal lives with just anyone; so if he does it with you, that’s a good sign. If he shares his problems, fears, and aspirations with you, ultimately, he sees you as more than just someone to hang out with. These are just afew of the Clearest Signs He Wants a Serious Relationship with You. Pay attention to them to know the space you are in.
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