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How To Make Man Chase You- 10 Weird Traits


Do you want to turn a man’s head? Do you want to know how to  make man chase you? Then stop chasing after him and do those things that are guaranteed to fascinate him and awaken his passion.

Of course there are a thousand different ways to win over a man. And it is always a matter of type how you behave towards a man. But if you want to arouse his desire, there are some things that you, as a woman, are guaranteed not to go wrong with.

1. Get him noticed

Of course, it can be especially interesting for a man if you ignore him and let him address you. But it could also be that he finds it particularly refreshing if you just talk to him. The important thing is that you catch his eye. And the best way to do that is by being who you are. Do not bend!

2. Have fun

Needy women rarely find men sexy. Better to impress him with the fact that you have both feet firmly on the ground and realize yourself. Men find women who pursue their careers, hobbies, passions and social contacts much more exciting than couch potatoes, whom they always know where to find them: namely at home.

3. Flirt with him

Impress him with your flirting skills and show your seductive side if you want him to chase you. But don’t fall into the house with the door. Get him hot, flirt a bit, and then back off. He should make an effort if he wants to conquer you!

4. Stay sexy

Of course, men find sexyness attractive. But that doesn’t mean that you have to flirt in front of him in the extra-tight mini and with 20 cm heels. Be sexy but be true to your type while doing it.

5. Stay interesting to other men

Even if YOU only want HIM – he should calmly see that you are also attractive to other men. So flirt with other people, make them a little jealous. But don’t overdo it. After all, you don’t want him to think that you are throwing yourself at any guy.

6. Let him fidget

If you’re always on call, you’re not making yourself particularly interesting. In any case, don’t make him feel like there’s nothing exciting in your life besides him. Don’t always pick up the phone when he calls you. Better let a few hours pass. The same goes for text messages, of course. So if it’s not urgent, you can take your time before writing back to him.

7. Don’t tell him everything at once

Sure, you are an exciting person and you must have a lot to tell about your life. But that doesn’t mean that you have to tell him about your relationship with your parents, your childhood and your private problems right from the first meeting. A man finds it much more interesting to discover you step by step.

8. Let out your inner vamp

If you’ve already gotten closer to each other, it’s safe to be a little naughty. Heat him up with hot text messages or whisper tingly things in his ear when you are intimate with each other. That’ll make him mad about you. Feel free to compliment him every now and then – including on his skills as a lover. He should know that he is something special to her.

9. Be spontaneous

When everything has to happen according to a strict plan, men quickly feel bored with a woman. So stay spontaneous and suggest something unexpected: it will keep him busy.

10. Be patient

Some men just need more time to get involved in a relationship. So do not restrict it too much or try not to force it to be tied to you. Give him the freedom he needs. And make him feel like he’s wearing his pants – even when you really have the reins in hand.

Wach this video on how to man sexually obsessed with you