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Is There A Repair To A Toxic Relationship? If Both Parties Want It.


How To repair a toxic relationship When Starting Over Isn’t Option

1.Individual therapy

Both of the couples can start with the individual therapy and see if it helps. There are no acceptable excuses when you want to make serious changes in your life. A fresh start is always the best option. Irrespective of time or years involved, you can transform your own life if you want. 

 2.Get help from the mediator

If two parties want a repair from toxic relationship, ask a mediator for help. It will take your effort and time, but if you need it, you can find it together. 

3.Give a break

You need to learn to be your own. Live apart for a while and meet outside for something or a date. Try to restore the relationship. If you cannot live separately, make an appointment for a specific day in a week. Do a good to each other. Likewise, you can acknowledge your problems, accept them, and be ready to solve them. 

 4.Set clear boundaries

If you are used to avoiding conflict and attempting to create peace, the impression of ​​setting clear boundaries can be like making the boat move or on the ground. Do not worry. Setting clear boundaries does not mean you are self-confidence or confrontational. Clear what you accept, what you don’t accept, what you’re communicating, and who is responsible for something. 

5.Introduce emotional responsibility

The emotional responsibility basically means what people point when they talk about healthy attachment strategies, emotional maturity, or healthy boundaries. The essence of all these positive relationship attributes need you have the emotional responsibility that simply recognize that you can’t be responsible for the reactions, emotions, and actions of others. Also, you cannot make them responsible for the actions, emotions, and reactions. 

6.Understandthe relationship patterns 

As you become aware of your and the other person’s individual patterns, explore patterns that recur in your relationship. There are some good patterns and bad ones in your relationship. Watch both and know how these patterns work. Once you understand the patterns in the relationship, the confusion disappears and you finally understand what you need to do and avoid to ensure things go better. 

If there are negative patterns in the relationship, the simplest way to break that cycle is to change the side of the equation, that is, if you stop responding negatively, you straightaway weaken the pattern. If you’re consistent enough in your efforts in the positive direction, negative patterns can soon disappear because you’ve cut off what fueled you. 

 7.Learn to be emotionally independent

Emotional independence is the important life skills in all circumstances. It just means that you are learning to take responsibility for your emotional state. When you’re emotionally dependent, you’re exposed to different moods, external circumstances, and behaviors. 

If you blame another person or circumstance for your miserable situation, it shows that you are emotionally dependent on that person. This becomes an unstable position. Many people get into the blame game because it’s easier to blame others. 

8.Stop using toxicor sarcastic language 

Many relationships are destroyed only by bitter, sarcastic, and toxic language. If people could change their talk, it will save them many troubles. Sarcasm in intimate relationships is at the source of all toxicity. Immediately stop using sarcasm or toxic language image whenever you need to repair a toxic relationship. Write down the metaphors and vocabulary you use regularly to describe your experience and state. 


9.Avoid unhealthyand insecurity competition 

Many times, a good relationship dies when you feel insecure about someone else’s growth and struggling to get over it. Insecurity is often due to a feeling of low self-esteem and inadequacy. Someone who has a harmonious and healthy relationship with himself does not feel insecure when someone is moving ahead.  

The efforts and abilities of others are valued and respected. Typically, the growth of another person does not compromise your self-esteem. Solve the internal problems of your mind and heart and first develop the harmonious relationship with yourself that has a direct impact on the external relationship