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 Man Gets Distant After Sex. What is The Mistake?


Why did he walk away after you slept together? You probably liked that special boy very much and waited for several dates before going to bed with him, but right after having sex, he disappeared.

You have been wondering for several days what was the mistake that led your man get distant after sex without saying anything. These are the possible scenarios.

Scenario 1. You went out with a boy for the first time, the hormone beat you, he was too handsome, you had been pure and chaste for a long time, and so on. The point is that you opened the amusement park too quickly, and he disappears … So sad … (i send you a hug and explain)

  • He was only looking for that and he already got it, bye.
  • Perhaps he was looking for something else but you did not give him time to meet you, to increase his intellectual or emotional interest, and sexual interest, after sex, collapses. It’s like eating … Full belly, we leave the restaurant.
  • You ran into a predator whose goal is to have as many women as he can have sex with, he already got it here, he’s going for the next one.

Scenario 2. Everything is fine, maybe even you are already in a relationship, but it turns out that your partner, right after orgasm, goes to sleep, or does not want to hug you, or does not want to sleep with you, or does not talk to you for the next 24 hours. 

Men produce hormones that make them sleepy after sex. It is not that it is bad, it is that his body! Don’t judge them too harshly. 

Scenario 3. These are a little weirder than the previous ones, but they do happen. There was action and as soon as the party was over, the celebrated fled. Possible reasons for this behavior:

  • He somehow failed on the spot, he’s embarrassed, he wants to get out of there asap.
  • Remember that our reptilian testosterone brain surpasses our consciousness, thinking brain, judge of good and evil, etc. And he could have run away because he believes that what he did was not correct.
  • He flatly didn’t like it, he tried but there was something that made him run away. Do not take it personally, this happens to everyone and it can be for things as small or big as their tastes, your tastes, demands, abuse, that will remind them of someone or even the size of their feet. If the tastes, genres are broken, they find someone else.
  • He left for something that has nothing to do with you, for example, he was with you, he felt bad about the ex he had fought with last week, he shot out of your house to look for her.

This is how crazy things are these days my dear readers. Don’t worry, someone leaving like this can even be good, saving you wasted time, money, effort and allowing you to meet the love of your life.

Aside from the above scenarios, we present four reasons your man got distant after sex. Stop feeling guilty, on many occasions, that man did not have everything planned and was not looking for anything serious. 

Afraid of commitment 

Remember that each life story is different, it may be that you already feel ready for a serious relationship, but that does not mean that all the men you meet are going to be. 

He already has another commitment  

Unfortunately, more men than you imagine tend to be unfaithful, you may think that you have already found the man of your dreams, but pay close attention to his behavior, he could be engaged to another. 

Feels unable to meet your expectations 

Some guys walk away because they feel like they don’t meet your expectations for a serious relationship. Try not to act like an unreachable diva on first dates. 

Chemistry was lacking 

We have to understand that when there is no chemistry in bed it is better to say goodbye, each person is different and we cannot always share the same ideas and interests in privacy.

Tips to win your man back

Avoid chasing him anymore

If you show your man you are no longer available at any slight chance, he will fell the need to hunt you back. When this happens make yourself desirable in different aspect eg:

  • Wear sexy clothes and post them on your social media pages
  • Make him think you are likely to move on and make him jealous
  • Don’t make yourself too available for sex
  • When you meet make yourself cozy
  • Work on yourself and don’t allow him have a lot of freedom every time you meet
  • With the above tips, he will have to work hard and hunt you back.
  • Use your sexuality to make him desire you

This works magic. When you send him a sexy message then you stop responding to him. He will come to you feet to look for you. Make him desire you but don’t give in any how. Let him hard for it. Allow him to stress out how to have you back and the zeal to ensure you never slip off his hand.

Make him jealous and use his jealousy for your own benefit

You don’t need to go flirting with other men to make him jealous no! what you need to do is to make yourself desirable by other men. Make sure you are independent and have your own respect. Make other men want you to be part of their life.

This will make him realize your worth and want to win you back to himself. Make yourself hard to get and when he finally gets you, he will know that when you slip his hard again, there is someone else desiring to have you asap. You are a treasure!

Incase he gets in touch again, act like nothing happened

it is very important to show a man you are not fully dependent on him. Respond to him warmly as if nothing happened. Allow yourself look like the “mature one” in that situation. This can trigger a man’s perspective and see that he was childish to act that way instead of boldly talking about it.

Check also: 500 Tips To Have More Amazing Sex In Your Relationship… Starting Tonight!
Sometimes we get so offended by the single fact that a man got distant after sex. But it not always for bad. Sometimes it’s for our own good so that we can actually get the chance to meet the true love of our life.