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Speed Dating Tips: What To Wear, Questions To Ask and How to flirt


Would you try a speed date to find a partner or friends considering that you don’t have much time to do it? This new way of relating has become a trend to meet people. It is a meeting between several strangers on small mini-dates.

Speed ​​Dating is a cool model where you will have the opportunity to chat with people for a period of 5 to 7 minutes. This type of event, it will be prepared in a pleasant space where there will be several tables according to the number of people attending the event, each table will have two chairs, one in front of the other. The woman will be seated at each table and the free chair is reserved for the men, who will pass from table to table, with the aim that everyone knows each other.

Why attend speed dating or speed dating?

The good thing about this type of model is that you are not forced to give your contact or telephone number to the people with whom you did not have a connection, because each person will have a form where they will rate each person with a like, dislike or just a friendship. Thus, the Hosts of the event will be in charge of reviewing the forms and will put in contact with those people who are compatible.

It is there where you will have the opportunity to really get to know each other.

What tips do we give you to attend speed dating?

  • The first thing to think about is that you will be at an event where everyone thinks the same as you and is on the same quest, so relax and enjoy the event and the conversation.
  • Forget that you are in a job interview, take advantage of the time you have to ask questions that you would like to know and that would fit your personality (sports, hobbies, what kind of music you listen to, do you like reading, movies, theater) These kinds of topics will help the conversation flow naturally.
  • If you find a common theme, take advantage of it, so it will be easier to break the ice and have a good talk.
  • Although it is good to talk about your work and professional achievements, do not focus on them, because the conversation can become monotonous and interest will quickly lose.
  • How you dress will depend on the event you attend, as a recommendation is that you do not go too uncomplicated and not very elegant.
  • Enjoy the meeting, and always look at the positive in each situation. Reset your mind and heart and give yourself the opportunity to meet new people.

How to flirt on speed dating? [The 7 keys]

1. 1 + 1 is not 2.

Be different, and show your creativity to flirting in Speed ​​Dating, if all the participants act the same the result will be the same and I promise you will not like it.

Why does it take some hours to flirt and others in a few minutes have conquered all the attention of dating? While some worry not losing points talking about casual topics with little risk, others are launched with a battery of questions that leave their date ko before they can say something.

Whatever you say, be creative, a casual topic can be the most fun if you put it funny, and asking about a personal topic does not have to be heavy if you give it a genuine touch. 

2. Avoid talking about hackneyed topics

Work, studies, children, custody of children, how old you are … These are recurring and super-exploited themes if you have no choice but to talk about them because they have asked you at least do it with grace. Besides boring topics, you will not get anything about what your date likes, they are pastel topics when you don’t know what to say. 

Ask him about emotions, goals, and for example the last trip where you were about to be devoured by a shark because you did not read any bathers sign. If you wonder if that’s true, believe me, more than one has happened on certain beaches in Australia. Tell him about everything that you would like to share with a long-time friend, what makes you live, not what makes sheep sleep … for that the news is better than his thing is to report. Remember to live is not to inform.