To end the relationship and stop investing in it could be a difficult decision to make, and as per National Center of Health statistics, it shows that out of all divorce cases filed, two-thirds of them are filed from women’s end. The decision is undoubtedly tough to make and undoubtedly have a significant impact. There could be many reasons why a woman gives up on a relationship. Some of these are lack of commitment, satisfaction, compatibility issues and understanding. Not just this, looking for alternatives, a new partner, or even a lack of family support could be yet another reason for women to give up on a relationship.
In some relationships, it is best to give up, as continuing such relationships could be nothing other than being emotionally taxing and exhausting. The decision to give up or continue the relationship could have a significant toll, as in our societies, giving up or taking a divorce is considered a failure for women. Not just this, in other cases, women also resist and are hesitant in taking the leap of faith and moving on in life. To know when to stop investing in a relationship that will give them no benefit could be exhausting for the women. Furthermore, other reasons like infidelity and the partners/husbands’ toxicity could be a solid reason to let it go. Moreover, the more you invest in a relationship, the harder it gets to move on.
We barely stop and focus on what we exactly want in our daily busy routines. Therefore, stop and see if the relationship makes you happy. Is it worth staying in that relationship, or is it worth taking the loss and moving on? Below mentioned are some of the reasons why women move on from their relationships and give up on them:
- Feeling of loneliness and unhappiness: A healthy relationship should bring peace, happiness and satisfaction in life. The partners should always try to maintain the spark in the relationship. But if the relationship is losing its spark and becoming emotionally taxing, it is best to end the relationship and move on.
- Lack of emotional connection: It is yet another reason women give up on relationships. The needs of men and women are different; as for men, intimacy makes them feel closer to their spouse, whereas, for women, they need to feel that emotional connection with their spouse for sexual arousal. Usually, when women lookout for companionship other than their spouse, the main reason could be that she is getting emotional compatibility with that person, which makes them leave the relationship.
- Infidelity: Women facing the issues of infidelity tend to have lower self-esteem; they are hurt and angry, and embarrassed at the same time. In such conditions, when she finds out that her husband is cheating on her, this could act as the last nail in the grave to end the relationship. They are already suffering emotionally due to infidelity; the cheating of their husbands makes it even worse and makes her feel worthless.
- Financial management issues: There is a general misconception that women give up on their relationships because of money; yes, in some cases, this could be true, but it would not be fair to generalize it. In most cases, the spouses in the relationship cannot agree on different financial aspects. Their different mindset regarding it leads to conflicts and eventually ends the relationship.
- Insecurity: It is yet another reason for women or partners to give up on the relationship. As insecure men and women tend to have trust issues and are hesitant to give love or relationships a chance, they prefer the easy way out and leave the relationship. In other cases, they might be trying to protect themselves emotionally and not wanting to get emotionally invested in a relationship.
- Lack of interest of man in the family and their home: No doubt about the fact that all the hard work that a man does is for his family, and one of his ways to show love towards the family, but when he is always busy with work and barely have time for wives and home, then such situations become questionable and leads to conflicts, misunderstanding and makes the wives feel less important and can even lead to resentment.
- Controlling: A marriage or relationship is all about us and we. There is no me and you in a marriage or relationship, which is the key to it. But if a man is extremely controlling and abusive in a relationship, then there is no point in staying in such a relationships. It is doing nothing other than effective the mental health of the women. Therefore, it is best to move out or give up on such relationships.
- Lack of love and chemistry: If a woman is in love with her better half, she will constantly make efforts and show that he is an integral part of her life. But if she is not, all she will be doing is making ways to somehow move out of such a relationship.
- Inability to effectively resolve conflicts: It is not always the case that both partners or spouses agree on the same thing or are on the same page. They are two individuals and might have different opinions about different matters. For a healthy relationship, it is necessary to work on effectively resolving conflicts and trying to understand your parent’s perspective. Being calm and showing patience is the key to effectively resolving conflicts. Unresolved conflicts can lead to misunderstanding and the end of the relationship.
- Lack of respect and trust: A healthy relationship and marriage are all about feeling safe, secure and sharing your vulnerable side with your partner. Having that trust in them that they will be there for you and with you no matter what. Effective communication between the spouse and partners is necessary to build up trust in a relationship. For women, an absence of trust in a relationship is the biggest turnoff, to the extent that they might give up on the relationship.
Associated post: “ Solution For A Healthier And Rewarding Relationship“.
For a relationship to be healthy, efforts from both ends are required as it is all about us and we and no me and you. In most cases, all a woman needs in a relationship is trust, respect and a parent who understands her, loves her the way she is and accept her with all her flaws. Reasons like emotional or physical abuse are the main reason that leaves no other option for women to give up on that relationship, as it is not worth investing and staying in any such relationship.