Home dating Why A Relationship May Be Full Of Resentments

Why A Relationship May Be Full Of Resentments


Sometimes a relationship can be full of resentments, and in most cases, ending the relationship is the only solution. One might want to hold on to it and continue fighting for the love, hoping that one day things would be better, but as days go by, hopelessness sets. Sometimes a relationship fails due to a series of prevailing situations, and sometimes due to past mistakes.  In most cases, the relationship failure is due to partners failing to respect themselves and respecting one another. However, the essential thing is to stand firm in the values and principles that govern one’s life.

This started when they were spending a vacation in Malewa. However, they both had previous relationship breakups, which had triggered emotional charges accompanied by a constant desire to open their hearts to each other. Although they have been attracting one another for many years that was the only opportunity they got together. Funny enough, right before that vacation, Jesenia had a slight accident, so Royle had to take care of her. Although they had not previously planned or thought about it, the holiday was beautiful. Royle took care of her from the start to the end of the vacation, so she was fascinated. Consequently, she opened her heart and told Royle that nobody in her entire life had taken such care with great attention like Royle, which made the romance arise naturally.

Typically, this was just an early stage in their relationship, and after the vacation, Jesenia went back to her country. Of course, they understood it was not going to be easy, as the distance was the biggest enemy of their love life. However, Royle thought that if the relationship gained respect from the heart, it would be an inspiring experience for them. They felt that making rules and setting boundaries right from the beginning would make them succeed in their relationship. In this regard, they set up rules on what to do and what to avoid, hoping they won’t hurt one another.

So, Royle requested Jesenia to disclose everything about herself and not combine the past life with the present life. Also, Royle asked Jesenia to maintain distance with the ex-partners. Royle’s intention was not out of jealousy but to make Jesenia ‘s ex-partners respect her and make Jesenia devalue people who could have brought more harm than good in her life. Constantly, Royle reminded Jesenia that her self-respect would reflect on the respect she shows to him. In that manner, their relationship started, both of them not knowing how long it would last. The relationship constituted sharing unforgettable experiences, trips, problems, and joys.

However, after some time, an argument ensued between Royle and Jesenia. Typically, it due to Jesenia accepting an invitation to a concert from her ex. Royle felt that Jesenia accepting dates with her exes would fail their relationship. On top of it, Royle was very much concerned about Jesenia ‘s attitude towards this warning. However, Jesenia didn’t care about Royle’s pain because of her attitude. Instead, she justified her deeds because of the pressure from her mother. It was unbelievable that Jesenia’s mother pressured her to for dates with her exes.


The argument ended with a resolution, and yes, it was painful for Royle, and the feeling of insecurity, frustration, and resentment started setting in. Royle tried walking away because he could detect that nothing good would come out of it, and he didn’t want another heartbreak. However, he could not listen to that warning deep inside him, and he resorted to continuing with the relationship with the pain. Royle was constantly astonished that Jesenia was giving attention to the very partner who had broken her heart. Royle could even understand how he was continuing with a relationship that was resulting in constant emotional battles.

Although Royle was looking forward to having a healthy relationship with Jesenia, he couldn’t manage due to Jesenia’s tendency to focus on previous toxic relationships.  What is more, they continued with the relationship even though both of them hadn’t healed from previous failed relationships. After all, Royle was sure he had not forgiven her truly but felt that his ex-partner didn’t value him or prioritize him. However, Royle was afraid of ending the relationship and being alone once again. What was even more worrying, Jesenia clearly showed her inability to value Royle more than how she loved her ex-partners. Royle started step by step walking out of the relationship, and unconsciously, he took it out on her.

Even though Royle didn’t like how he was acting, he deep down knew that that was not the kind of relationship he desired. This attitude made them fill their romance with complaints and blame. Outbursts of jealousy, tantrums, unfounded claims, lack of patience, and mistrust became the order of the day in their relationship, making it a disaster.  Their ways of expression ad thinking were different, and they had different life visions. The many times they broke up, Royle knew it was not definitive until the day he decided that enough was enough, and he had to look for a way to end the relationship permanently.

After thinking of the best way to end the relationship, Royle sent her a text message, which Jesenia knew was not a productive or positive conversion. He thanked her for the happiness she had brought to him, and he wished her the best of luck. It wasn’t easy for Royle, and he felt a lot of pain as he sent that message. However, he knew ending the relationship was better than extending the pain of staying in such a relationship.

Following the kind of pain Royle passed through in that relationship, it’s advisable to end the relationship as soon as possible immediately you realize it will hurt you. You should not live a life to please others, and you shouldn’t give up your dreams and visions for your partner. Besides, it’s not advisable to sacrifice everything for a partner who is not looking forward to a healthy relationship.  Finally, avoid getting stuck in conflict circumstances and never be afraid of being alone.


After reading the love story of Royle and Jesenia, we will appreciate your suggestion on such kind of relationship by answering the following questions.

Do you think the attitude of Royle towards Jesenia’s dates with her exes was out of jealousy?

Do you think the decision of Royle to end the relationship was the best solution?